With the quality principte of "with the target of zero-defect,continually enhancing quality level;meeting with customers' requirements with the continue improving management system",every dept. is trained for all-round quality safeguard consciousness and professional skill,and we carry out the strict quality controlling management to all the key processes.In the meanwhile,we insist on the guiding ideology of "improvement in proper sequence,Promoting with steady steps",and continuely improve the essential factors guiding ideology of"Improvement in proper sequence,Promoting with steady steps",and continuely improve the essential factors like process,technical,equipments and staffs,etc.,assure the quality-increasing,high stable product and service to customer.
After establishing,Headway started the ISO9001 quality management system speedly,and got the approval in 2002.Then,we got the certificates successively,like UL,VDE,CQC,etc.