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Household electricity Tips

Iron, hair dryer , electric comb , electric irons , electric and other electric appliances should not be placed directly on wood or near flammable items , to the non- heating appliances with automatic control to hand off power to prevent fire .

Electric heating is a kind of electrical energy into heat energy heaters, if used improperly often due to temperature or other reasons fires and other accidents . Pay particular attention to the use of : selection of a quality product ; use with safety grounded three-prong plug socket and ensure reliable ; course always check whether the power cord and plug sockets hot fever , abnormal should immediately stop using ; person leaves home heater must be switched off and disconnect the power , and unplug prohibited unsupervised heater running in the state .

Oil radiator heater must be placed upright use , not upside down or diagonal . Oil radiator heater is because of the heat pipe heat pipe heat transfer oil is heated and surrounded by the lower heat release . Such as upside down or diagonal , it will cause air burning , the heat pipe burn , causing a fire. Oil radiator heater for heating the living room , the air flow should be as close as possible , so warm and power. Oil radiator heater when children use the room to prevent burns while playing children , preferably barrier measures .

Quartz tube , halogen tube heater when not to use the water splashed on the heating pipes , heating pipes to avoid bursts . Its face away from flammable, explosive , easily deformable objects change color , but also from the distance of 1 m above the other objects it .

Heater power for home use best 2000W or less , because the power is too large , and other unexpected power failure prone . Many manufacturers of electric heaters are now set high, medium and low power several block , try not to be combined with other high-power appliances ( such as rice cookers , electric water heaters , etc. ) when using high-power , to ensure safe use.

Electric blanket energizing time not too long, generally about 1 hour before bedtime ohmic heating , turn off the power when asleep , try not to use overnight , especially children.

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